Deep down, I’m an old-fashion kind of guy. I still use checks to pay my bills, I listen to records and I even write a majority of my articles with a pencil and paper. So, one of the last things I thought I’d ever do was join an online social networking site.

But a few months ago, at the urging of an old co-worker, I joined Facebook. To be honest, I’m a little addicted. I seem to be staying a little longer each time I log in to catch up with friends, share photos and reconnect with peers I’ve lost touch with over the years.

And knowing I’m not the only one who’s hooked on the social networking craze, we’ve decided to bring this experience to cleaning professionals by introducing

MyCleanLink is social networking specific to the cleaning industry and specific to you. By logging on, you can create your own individual profile page and then interact with other jan/san distributors as well as building service contractors, in-house service providers, manufacturers, cleaning editors and industry consultants.

You have the opportunity to speak your mind by blogging about issues that matter to you, or joining groups specific to topics that interest you and have focused discussions. In addition, you can share your industry experiences and expertise by posting photos, PowerPoint presentations or video demonstrations.

Whatever your intentions, I encourage you to sign up today at

Speaking of participation, by now you should have received a fax or e-mail about our Distributor Sales Study. Please take a few moments to fill it out so we can relay the most accurate results.