Experts agree that the best technique to combat odors is to first locate the source. Air fresheners can serve as an adequate short-term solution, but Carrizales emphasizes that to solve the root of the problem and prevent the return of malodor, further action must be taken by end users. This is where distributors can step in to offer suggestions, even if it’s something as simple as flushing the floor drain with enzymes or washing out a waste bin.

“We’ve found a multi-faceted approach of both cleaning care and air to be most successful,” adds Sims. “For instance, apply this logic to a trash room. Trash will always be present in some manner and, let’s face it, trash often smells bad. However, applying effective products to the receptacles or on the surface areas that have organic matter or fluids helps control odors tremendously. But cleaning surfaces alone isn’t enough. Many environments are in constant use, making air care critical to combating ever-present odors between cleaning cycles.”

While finding and managing the source of bad odors is key, distributors should educate end users on the value of products that will reduce or remove bad odors from the environment. In addition to aerosolized odor neutralizers and air fresheners, there is a range of products available to assist in odor control, including cleaning products for grout lines, carpeting, upholstered furniture, drains and trash cans, as well as floor mats, urinal/drain screens and trash bags.

End users should also be presented with options such as non-aerosol scents and ozone generators for controlling smoke and other hard-to-remove odors, Carrizales adds. For floor drains and sometimes carpets, active ionization units serve as a worthy complement to enzyme-based products. Disposable floor mats can also reduce or eliminate odor — although being left in place for too long can end up producing opposite effects.

“We are also big fans of enzymatic products for floors and drains, which we have in liquid, foam, or granulated time-release offerings, depending upon the application,” notes Sims. “In regard to urinals, we’ve made a patented, splash-free and enzymatic urinal screen with a nice citrus scent. This urinal screen can be used in any fixture, including waterless urinals. We also have disposable and reusable urinal floor mats made of fibers that contain an antimicrobial top sheet to combat odors on-contact and at the source.”

With so many products on the market, end users will rely on guidance from their distributors prior to purchasing. Sims notes how important it is that distributors conduct the necessary research for end users looking for validation of product claims on odor removal, as the number of false claims can be a slog for novice end users.

Signs to look for include third-party certifications and explanation about the levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the product. Understanding the difference between masking versus neutralizing odors is another necessary discussion.

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Refresh End Users On Odor Control And Facility Perception
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Choosing Products That Will Freshen The Air